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New: Embedded CRM integrations Webex App

by Techupdate on May 30, 2024 11:44:50 AM
The Webex App is growing in popularity worldwide. Many telecom providers provide the Webex App as a standard softphone application with the Broadsoft platform underlying it. It is user-friendly, looks nice and is packed with functionality. But what was missing until recently was a wide range of integrated CRM integrations.
+200 embedded CRM integrations for Webex App
That's a thing of the past! Red Cactus adds its full portfolio of integrations to the Webex softphone. From now on, telecom providers and telecom resellers can help their customers optimally with a range of +200 embedded CRM integrations.
Fully integrated
This integration ensures that you immediately see all relevant customer data during a telephone call. You can connect one or more CRM applications simultaneously. From the overview that appears, which can also be fully customized by the user, you can directly click through to a customer card, order summary or other CRM-specific action. After ending the call, a call log, possibly with a call note, is filed away under the customer card in the CRM. What's even better, it's not an external pop-up notification, but fully integrated in the Webex softphone.
But there's more! In addition to the pop-up notification that can be seen when you receive a phone call, it is also possible to search all your CRM contacts in the SearchBar. From the results found, you can perform various actions, such as:
- Starting an outgoing telephone call
- Sending a WhatsApp message
- Sending a Microsoft Teams chat message
- Send an email
- Opening the call history
- Opening the customer card in the CRM
From the SearchBar, you can also easily reopen the pop-up notification of your last phone call made.
Supported telecom providers
Integration tool Bubble is compatible with all telecom providers using the Webex softphone. That means all already supported telecom providers such as KPN, Vodafone and several others, but also telecom providers that we do not yet support such as for example Gamma Communications (UK) or other telecom providers. For this last mentioned group it is not necessary to create a link based on the underlying Broadsoft platform, but activating the Bubble365 application in the Webex App Hub is sufficient.
Customer data
When developing our applications, we maintain the vision that customer data must be accessed in a responsible way. For us, there is then only one way possible; real-time communication with the CRM and not storing customer data from the CRM outside the CRM application itself. This way, customers and partners keep track of where their CRM data is and there is no additional risk of a data leak. As this is unfortunately not the standard in the world of integrations and we still see data being synced to storage sources outside the CRM, a Red Cactus partner therefore has a huge competitive advantage in this area too with customers who want to handle CRM data carefully and responsibly.
Free testing
Red Cactus partners have a great advantage because they can offer their customers a test license for 30 days/ max. 5 users with which customers can test for free.
More information
On the knowledge base (click here), you can find the configuration manual to get started with this, or watch the video below.